After all customers have always preferred shopping where they feel valued and at home. Warm friendly staff are key to instore personalisation.
That warm fuzzy feeling customers get when feeling valued and thought about can be carried into the online arena and done well.
A survey conducted by 'Sate of Retailing Online 2011' showed that when ecommerce personalisation was carried out 65% of merchants reported an increase in conversion rates and 53% of retailers reported increase in returning shoppers.
Common forms of personalisation
Post-order email texts - 77%
Shopping cart page - 52%
PRoduct page - 44%
Homepage - 41%
Category page - 21%
Search results - 175
The most successful tactics according to e-retailers are:
1. shopping cart abondonment emails - 26%2. recommendations by email - 14%
3. recommendations in product pages - 12%
4. retargeting - 11%
5. recommendations in shopping cart - 6%
(this one I'm a bit wary of, for the 6% that it works for, what percent get distracted from their purchase?)
Customer perception of personalisation
52% - who experienced personalisation liked it
77% - find recommendations extremely useful
33% - have purchased recommended products
Abondoned Cart Emails
Shopping cart abandonment emails are relatively easy to set up and the returns are well worth it. Just look at the figures below to see how effective this type of personalisation can be.Shopping cart abandonment emails are relatively easy to set up.
Below are 3 great plugins that can help you salvage those easily distracted shoppers.
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